Thursday 12 August 2010

paul de-ste-croix-hanson - grimsby, uk

Paul De-Ste-Croix - Hanson has sent in this impressive image from the Corporation Bridge, Freeport Wharf in Grimsby, highlighting a post-industrial plight.

The photo attached (with the magnet in view, although it wasn't too magnetic to the painted cast iron railing) is of the P.S. Lincoln Castle which is currently being dismantled here.
It was one of the 3 paddle steamers that used to run a ferry service across the River Humber (the other two are based away from here, the Tattershall is on the Thames and the Wingfield is in Hartlepool near the maritime museum.) which lasted until the completion of the Humber Bridge in 1981, the Lincoln Castle being recalled in 1978 due to boiler problems. She is currently being demolished as there has been nobody capable / prepared to pay the cast of restoring her. The voyage was something that generations of my family before me enjoyed, in particular my grandparents, as well as the Sunday excursions that were run on these steamers out to Spurn Head and back. As a child I remember being fortunate enough to get the chance to go below decks and explore the engine rooms whilst she was moored off the Alexandra Dock.

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