Tuesday 3 May 2011

Víctor Alexander Alvarado - bilbao, spain

De pequeño me trajeron a ver la grúa y me encantó la historia sobre su nombre; me dijeron que mientras la estaban construyendo, todos los días venía una chica llamada Carola y le traía a cada obrero un bocadillo. Los obreros se sintieron tan agradecidos hacia ella que le pusieron su nombre. Me gustó mucho porque me hizo imaginar la época en la que se construyó y a todos los obreros expectantes ante la aparición de la chica. Es un lugar de Bilbao digno de ver.

From childhood I was brought to see the crane and I loved the story about his name, I said that while they were building it, every day a girl named Carol came and brought him to every worker a snack. The workers were so grateful to her that they named. I really liked because it made me imagine the time when it was built and all expectant workers at the onset of the girl. Bilbao is a place worth seeing.

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