It is a very simple idea - on the walk I have my camera and my magnets, which say 'THERE IS BEAUTY IN THE CITY' and that is precisely what I am looking for, and I know it when I see it. The only specification for placing the magnets is a metal surface - so as long as there is something to be noticed and a metal surface I can make my intervention - placing the magnet.
So far it has been entirely my choice what is noticed, and where the magnets are placed, but soon the project will be opened up to others.
I have been commissioned by the organisers of the Axis Festival, Stoke-on-Trent to produce Magnet packs for the festival, in this way the project becomes a collaboration between me and you - the people of Stoke-on-Trent. Get your hands on one of the 500 packs floating around the city - or cut out the sign fron the Axis festival brochure - or you could copy and print the one above. Then you place the magnets in your chosen beauty spots around the city - take a photo of the magnet/sign in situ and send it in to us via the Axis festival website (www.axisfestival.co.uk) or email it to me at thereisbeautyinthecity@yahoo.co.uk
We look forward to seeing your ideas of beauty!
The original magnet size is 90mm X 52mm - so you can resize this one if you want to or just print it out from here. Join the search for beauty - place your sign, then take a photograph of it - you can email me the results, with your name and where the photograph was taken, and I will add it here.
We are now looking for exhibiting opportunities around the city in order to display the completed projects photographs - watch this space for details.