Wednesday, 23 April 2008

michael callan - stoke-on-trent 1

So we are really pleased to announce that the first sets of photos are now in.
Michael Callan - poet from City Voices has been out and about with his magnet, and has come up with an ingenious way of using it - he has attached it to a paintbrush and can then put it in front of his chosen beauty spot and snap away - this means he doesn't have to rely on finding a magnetic surface!This first set is the view East and North East from Hartshill Park - click on the image for a closer view.

This one you may recognise as the A500.

And this set of three show the Canalsides of Stoke.
Michael took these photographs with a 'throwaway camera.' showing that you don't even need to be digital to join the project. Looking forward to seing the 'Green Fist' photograph that Michael will be adding later.


Jan said...

Couldn't access the photos from the site but I've seen the originals. Great imagination! Stoke on Trent is beautiful, you just have to know where to look for it.

Anna Francis said...

Thanks Jan - sorry to hear that you couldn't access the photos tho! How strange...